My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Lyrics” is a beloved Christian hymn written by Edward Mote in 1834. It is a powerful expression of faith and trust in God, even in the midst of trials and tribulations.
The hymn is based on the passage from Matthew 7:24-27, in which Jesus teaches about the importance of building our lives on a solid foundation. Just as a house built on solid rock will withstand a storm, so too will our lives if they are built on the foundation of Jesus Christ.
Verse 1
My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Lyrics Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.
Verse 2
When darkness veils his lovely face, I rest on his unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.
Verse 3
His oath, his covenant, his blood, Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.
On Christ, the solid Rock I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.
Verse 4
When he shall come with trumpet sound, Oh, may I then in him be found; In him, my righteousness, alone, Faultless to stand before the throne.
Jesus Christ as the King of Kings
“My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Lyrics” is a hymn of hope and encouragement for Christians all over the world. It reminds us that our hope is not in our own strength or abilities but in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
When we place our faith in Jesus, we are building our lives on a solid foundation that will not crumble, even in the midst of the storms of life.
How to Apply the Hymn’s Message to Your Life
Here are a few ways to apply the message of the hymn “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Lyrics” to your life:
- Make Jesus the foundation of your life. Everything else in your life will eventually change, but Jesus will never change. He is the solid rock on which you can build your life.
- Trust in Jesus’ blood and righteousness for your salvation. You cannot save yourself. Only Jesus can save you from your sins. Place your trust in him and his finished work on the cross.
- Rest on Jesus’ unchanging grace in the midst of trials and tribulations. No matter what you are going through, Jesus is with you and he loves you. He will never leave you or forsake you.
- Be grateful for Jesus’ oath, his covenant, and his blood. Jesus has promised to never leave you or forsake you. He has also promised to give you eternal life. Be grateful for his love and grace.
- Look forward to the day when Jesus will come again. Jesus is coming again to take his followers to heaven. Be ready for that day!